the Inner Journal
by Byron Henry
The beautiful pause
Pausing is about finiding in our own every day lives moments of stillness. A pause can be as simple as a breath, or even reaching a red light knowing that this actually may be a gift, not a burden.
Often times , we think the times in life that slow us down our negatives, but actually they can be the very gifts that life is giving us. It is within these moments of stillness, these pauses where true transformations occur.
These pauses, when practice daily, can lead to discoveries about ourselves, that we would not see otherwise, because our lives are spinning so fast.
Life & the moments that make it
We often hold onto things, which ironically requires an abundance of effort. One could say this even lends to spark the pains of suffering. We share moments and great memories with family and friends every day. We often seek to repeat and hold onto what we consider the beautiful moments in our life.
What is a Tea Ceremony
A tea ceremony is a space to share community and connection. The silence allows us to turn inward, and reflect with natural curiosity. This practice can be a lifetime practice, a way of life for those who feel called to such.